Guest Speaker: Greg S., P.O.T.E.G.P. Guide, Teacher & Mentor

Discussion & Open Q&A Session

The night’s discussion will introduce the Druid Paths metaphysical, moral code, code of conduct, and internal practice.
A suggested nominal donation of $5 or more to help cover overhead is greatly appreciated.
The P.O.T.E.G.P. Druid Path is a non-religious life path suitable for agnostics, atheists, deists, and theists. The P.O.T.E.G.P. Druid Path is based on the Eastern European oral tradition of the original Celtic Societies. This pre-British Druid Path is a life philosophy based on developing enough awareness to balance the influence of the three planes represented by balance between society, nature and the individual.

Un-Blurring Common Misconceptions

Contrary to common belief the original Druids were not part of the pagan priesthood nor were they the political leaders of the early Celtic societies.

The Druids were able to maintain their ability to travel amongst all the different Celtic tribes precisely because they operated outside of the Celtic religious structure and the Celtic political structure.

So who were the Druids?
The Druids were welcomed in all the societies because they were the teachers, the entertainers the news medium, the judges and the counselors. The Druid philosophy/path was an educational system based on learning through actual experience through apprenticeship programs.

The second common misconception was that the original Celts were British and Irish, the fact of the matter is the Celts descended from a Proto-Celtic Eurasian society that had located in Eastern Central Europe, where it evolved into the Celtic society that developed the Druid work ethic based philosophy/path.

Open Meeting Tonight!