• When: February 12, 2017 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm
  • Where: The Heron Studio | 187 Plymouth Avenue Fall River MA
  • Summary: With Catherine
  • Details:

    Catherine will offer a “heart opening” yoga class with some partner poses. This class is designed to open your chest, shoulders and ribs and reverse our hunched over postures that modern living encourages. As you practice heart opening in your physical body, you can also experience an opening of the heart in your thoughts and emotions.

    Catherine offers modifications to make the poses accessible to everyone, so come no matter how much yoga you have taken in the past.

    Please, bring your sweetheart, your son, your daughter, your mother, your father, or your friend to enjoy this class (or come solo). This is a sweet Valentine’s treat without the calories.

    Also include will be a self-care aryurvedic time, a loving yoga nidra and time to connect after class with tea and treats. 

    Regular Class price of $8

Heart Opening Valentine Yoga Class