• When: January 8, 2017 10:30 am - 2:30 pm
  • Where: The Heron Studio | 187 Plymouth Avenue Fall River MA
  • Summary: Enrolled Students Only
  • Details:

    The P.O.T.E.G.P. Yoga instructor-training program is an experiential and theoretical course designed to prepare each student on safe and ethical practices in yoga and meditation. You will be introduced to ancient traditions, concepts and tools that lead to embodiment of wisdom, balance, contentment, and everlasting peace. This program is continuously evolving, just as change is a constant force that asks us to adapt and expand or shed what is already known or believed. 

    The vision of this program is rooted in the belief that you are both physical(3d) and non physical (non-3d). The most advanced scientific discoveries and theories known to us suggest that there are at least 11 dimensions to explain all the observable effects in the Universe. So if there are at least 11 dimensions in the Universe there are at least 11 dimensions in everything that exists within the Universe, including you!  Part of Yoga is to bring unity and awareness to this fact of both physical and nonphysical realities so you can awaken to all fractions of self  and live in balance with Nature. 

    The program encourages you to find your own voice based on your own direct experiences and wisdom to create a practice that is authentic for you. When you become a practitioner you become part of a tradition. P.O.T.E.G.P. places emphasis and value in acknowledging the connections to your “teachers”, who have served on the path before you, lighting the way.  As participators and practitioners is important to remember that if you are genuinely open, life can become your teacher. Life’s obstacles & joys are all for your awakening.  Life is happening for you!  

    The courses primary focus is the study of Sadhana through Sadhana Vinyasa Yoga, Sadhana Hatha Yoga, P-Jhana Meditation, P-Insight Meditation, Pranayama, Kriya, Bodywork (experiential anatomy and creative approach to movement/alignment) and P.O.T.E.G.P. principles and dhamma(lessons).  Sadhana approach is about discovering a daily spiritual practice that is unique to you and that will enable you to align with nature and awaken to your fullest potential. 

    One should note that P.O.T.E.G.P. adheres to teaching through models appropriate for one’s current stage of awareness. P.O.T.E.G.P. uses the concept of teaching “models” to signify the point that we are not trying to teach “Divine” or “Complete” truths/concepts. Models are used as tools to help one make progress within its limits(boundaries). This is based on the wisdom that Divine truths cannot be found within the limited use of human words.

Yoga Instructor Training Program (200hr)